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AI Transparency & the "Black Box" Problem: Neuromorphic vs. Neuro-Symbolic AI

7 days ago

8 min read




Some History

Both neuromorphic AI and neuro-symbolic AI have roots going back several decades, with neuromorphic AI concepts emerging prominently in the 1980s and 1990s, while neuro-symbolic AI has an even longer history dating back to the 1950s. Both fields have experienced renewed interest and significant advancements in recent years, driven by breakthroughs in deep learning and increased computational power.

Some Context

Artificial intelligence has made tremendous strides in recent years, with systems capable of performing complex tasks that were once thought to be the exclusive domain of human intelligence. However, as AI becomes more sophisticated and ubiquitous, concerns have arisen about the transparency and interpretability of these systems. Two prominent approaches to AI - neuromorphic AI and neuro-symbolic AI (NSAI) - have garnered attention for their contrasting levels of transparency.

Neuromorphic AI

Neuromorphic AI, which aims to emulate the structure and function of biological neural networks, has been criticized for its lack of transparency due to the "black box" effect. This refers to the difficulty in understanding how these systems arrive at their outputs, making it challenging to verify their accuracy and reliability. On the other hand, neuro-symbolic AI (NSAI), which combines neural networks with symbolic reasoning, is often touted as a more transparent and interpretable approach to artificial intelligence.

The "Black Box" Problem in Conventional Neuromorphic AI

In science, computing, and engineering, a black box is a system which can be viewed in terms of its inputs and outputs (or transfer characteristics), WITHOUT any knowledge of its internal workings.

Conventional neuromorphic computing systems are designed to mimic the architecture and processes of the human brain. They consist of artificial neurons and synapses that process and transmit information in a manner similar to biological neural networks. While this approach has shown promise in tasks such as pattern recognition and sensory processing, it suffers from a significant drawback: the lack of transparency in its decision-making process.

The black box problem in neuromorphic AI stems from the complex, interconnected nature of these artificial neural networks. As information flows through multiple layers of neurons, each performing non-linear transformations, it becomes increasingly difficult to trace the path of decision-making. This opacity is further compounded by the fact that neuromorphic systems often learn and adapt their internal representations through exposure to data, rather than following explicitly programmed rules.

One of the primary reasons for the lack of transparency in neuromorphic AI is the sheer complexity of the systems. Modern deep learning models can contain millions or even billions of parameters, making it virtually impossible for humans to comprehend the entirety of the decision-making process.

One of the primary reasons for the lack of transparency in neuromorphic AI is the sheer complexity of the systems. Modern deep learning models can contain millions or even billions of parameters, making it virtually impossible for humans to comprehend the entirety of the decision-making process. This complexity is exacerbated by the fact that neuromorphic systems often employ techniques such as distributed representations, where information is encoded across multiple neurons rather than in a localized manner.

Another factor contributing to the black box problem is the non-linear nature of neural network computations. Unlike traditional rule-based systems, where the logic can be easily traced, neuromorphic AI relies on complex, non-linear transformations that can be difficult to interpret or reverse-engineer. This makes it challenging to understand why a particular input leads to a specific output, or to identify which features of the input are most influential in the decision-making process.

The lack of transparency in neuromorphic AI has significant implications for various applications. In critical domains such as healthcare, finance, and autonomous vehicles, the inability to explain or justify AI-driven decisions can lead to issues of trust, accountability, and safety. For instance, if a neuromorphic AI system recommends a particular medical treatment or denies a loan application, it may be crucial to understand the reasoning behind these decisions to ensure fairness and detect potential biases.

Examples of the Black Box Problem in Neuromorphic AI

One prominent example of the black box problem in neuromorphic AI is the case of image recognition systems. While these systems have achieved remarkable accuracy in classifying images, they can sometimes make unexpected or inexplicable errors. For instance, researchers have found that deep learning models can be fooled by adversarial examples - carefully crafted inputs that are imperceptible to humans but cause the AI to misclassify images with high confidence. The opacity of these systems makes it difficult to understand why they are susceptible to such attacks or how to prevent them effectively.

Neuromorphic vision purports to offer artificial systems that exploit information typically found in the eyes of biological organisms. 

Another example comes from the field of natural language processing. Large language models based on neuromorphic principles, such as GPT-3, have demonstrated impressive capabilities in generating human-like text. However, these models can sometimes produce biased or factually incorrect outputs without providing any insight into how they arrived at these conclusions. This lack of transparency raises concerns about the reliability and potential societal impact of such systems, especially when deployed in sensitive applications like content moderation or information retrieval.

The Promise of Transparency in Neuro-Symbolic AI

Transparency is clearly evident in neuro-symbolic AI architecture.

In contrast to the black box nature of neuromorphic AI, neuro-symbolic AI (NSAI) offers a more transparent and interpretable approach to artificial intelligence. This hybrid methodology combines the pattern recognition capabilities of neural networks with the logical reasoning and knowledge representation of symbolic AI systems. By integrating these two paradigms, neuro-symbolic AI aims to create more explainable and trustworthy AI systems.

The transparency of neuro-symbolic AI stems from its incorporation of symbolic reasoning, which allows for the explicit representation of knowledge and rules. Unlike pure neural network approaches, neuro-symbolic systems can provide clear explanations for their decisions by tracing the logical steps and knowledge used in the reasoning process.

The transparency of NSAI stems from its incorporation of symbolic reasoning, which allows for the explicit representation of knowledge and rules. Unlike pure neural network approaches, neuro-symbolic systems can provide clear explanations for their decisions by tracing the logical steps and knowledge used in the reasoning process. This transparency is crucial for building trust in AI systems and enabling human oversight and intervention when necessary.

One of the key advantages of neuro-symbolic AI (NSAI) is its ability to incorporate domain knowledge and logical constraints into the learning process. This allows for the creation of AI systems that not only learn from data but also adhere to predefined rules and principles. By explicitly encoding knowledge and constraints, neuro-symbolic AI can provide more reliable and consistent results, especially in domains where adherence to specific guidelines or regulations is critical.

Another aspect that contributes to the transparency of NSAI is its modular architecture. These systems often consist of separate components for perception, reasoning, and decision-making, each of which can be inspected and understood independently. This modularity allows for easier debugging, validation, and improvement of the AI system, as well as the ability to incorporate human expertise at various stages of the decision-making process.

Neuro-symbolic AI's modular architecture can combine the transparent attributes of neural networks via vector-symbolic models loaded on Hyperdimensional Computing (HDC). For more on this, please see Achieving Advanced AI by Fusing Neuro-Symbolic AI & Hyperdimensional Computing.

Neuro-symbolic AI also addresses the issue of data efficiency, which is a significant challenge for purely neural network-based approaches. By leveraging symbolic knowledge and reasoning, these systems can learn from smaller datasets and generalize more effectively to new situations. This not only improves the transparency of the learning process but also makes it easier to validate the system's performance across a wide range of scenarios.

Examples of Transparency in Neuro-Symbolic AI

One notable example of transparency in neuro-symbolic AI is IBM's Neuro-Symbolic Concept Learner (NSCL), which was developed for visual question answering tasks. The NSCL combines neural perception with symbolic program synthesis to create a system that can not only answer questions about images but also provide step-by-step explanations of its reasoning process. This transparency allows users to understand how the system interprets visual information and applies logical reasoning to arrive at its conclusions.

Another example comes from the field of medical diagnosis, where neuro-symbolic AI has been applied to create more interpretable and trustworthy decision support systems. For instance, researchers have developed neuro-symbolic models that combine deep learning for image analysis with symbolic reasoning based on medical knowledge. These systems can provide detailed explanations for their diagnostic recommendations, citing relevant medical literature and explicitly showing the logical steps taken to reach a conclusion. This level of transparency is crucial in healthcare applications, where understanding the rationale behind AI-driven decisions is essential for both medical professionals and patients.

In the domain of natural language processing, neuro-symbolic approaches have been used to create more transparent and controllable language models. For example, some researchers have developed systems that combine neural language models with symbolic knowledge graphs to generate text that adheres to specific factual constraints. These models can provide clear explanations for the information they produce, tracing back to the sources in the knowledge graph and showing how different pieces of information were combined to generate the output.

The "humanity" in the ease of neural ideations and recognizable associations are a main attractor in the case of neuro-symbolic AI transparency.

The "humanity" in the ease of neural ideations and recognizable associations are a main attractor in the case of neuro-symbolic AI transparency.

The field of autonomous robotics has also benefited from the transparency of neuro-symbolic AI. By integrating neural networks for perception with symbolic planning and reasoning, researchers have created robotic systems that can explain their actions and decision-making processes. This transparency is crucial for human-robot collaboration and for ensuring the safety and reliability of autonomous systems in complex environments.


The contrast between the black box nature of neuromorphic AI and the transparency of neuro-symbolic AI (NSAI) highlights a critical challenge in the development of artificial intelligence systems. While neuromorphic approaches have demonstrated impressive capabilities in pattern recognition and learning from large datasets, their lack of transparency raises concerns about reliability, accountability, and trust. On the other hand, neuro-symbolic AI offers a promising path towards more explainable and interpretable AI systems, combining the strengths of neural networks with the transparency of symbolic reasoning.

As AI continues to play an increasingly important role in various aspects of our lives, the need for transparent and trustworthy systems becomes ever more critical. The development of neuro-symbolic AI (NSAI) represents a significant step towards addressing the black box problem and creating AI systems that can be understood, validated, and trusted by humans. By leveraging the strengths of both neural and symbolic approaches, we can work towards a future where AI systems are not only powerful but also transparent and accountable.

See Neuro-Symbolic AI (NSAI) with Hyperdimensional Computing (HDC) at Work in a Real-World Bio-Medical Example

Zscale Labs™ is pleased to introduce MoleHD, an innovative, ultra-low-cost model based on hyperdimensional computing (HDC) that significantly reduces computational demands, pre-processing efforts, and overall development time. Thus enabling faster rollout for faster return on investment (ROI) and swift time-to-market (TTM).

MoleHD represents a significant advancement in drug discovery by providing an efficient, relatively rapid, low-cost, and highly effective model for novel drug discovery candidates. This innovative approach not only outperforms traditional methods, but also reduces the computational burden, making it accessible for broader applications. It also provides faster rollout for faster return on investment (ROI) and swift time-to-market (TTM). As we continue to refine and expand the capabilities of MoleHD, it holds the potential to transform the landscape of viable, leading-edge drug discovery.

For those interested in exploring MoleHD further, I have developed a demonstration app hosted on Streamlit that showcases how MoleHD  works, and how it can provide you with obvious benefits that help streamline costs while rapidly offering viable new molecule candidates for your  drug discovery journey.

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7 days ago

8 min read





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